Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thai food carts outside a construction site.

The zoo that is Bangkok - Bamboo ladder resting on wires to fix said wires.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

No joke, clearest day I've ever seen in Shanghai.

Colleagues lead the group in stretching.

Views from the hotel

Chinese breakfast. Janae was very jealous.

Bad luck if the fish is looking at you. Tastes great though.

Welcome to China!

Might be a long flight. 2nd deck of 747 ain't too cool...

I miss them!

Amsterdam ports

Game night

Streets of Brussels.

The peeing boy - Brussels landmark

Meeting the bar singer

Going for a run in Brussels. 45°

85° in Brazil - perfect for a swim.

CEO as photographer

São Paulo arrival.

Round the world we go.

Lego building before my trip.

B put this in his nose. Took 45 to get it out. Oy

Happy Birthday to me!

Goodbye tree

Making music with pipes.

Gaming around on New Years Eve

New Years prep

Whit rings the bell. Boden watches